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Best Summer Activities
14 June 2016, by , in Local Life, No comments
Long Island is known for its variety of outdoor and recreational activities. During the summer months, we locals enjoy partaking in many different activities that bring us happiness, relaxation, and some fun along the way. We profile the best summer activities that Long Island has to offer. Jones Beach State Park Source: Yelp A local...
When people visit your facility for the first time you want to make the best possible first impression. If guests walk into a bathroom that they perceive to be unsanitary, negative consequences can happen. According to a study conducted by Opinion Research Corp, approximately 69 percent of test respondents would not patronize a restaurant with...
As eco-friendly behavior becomes a requirement, rather than a choice, we must bring “green behavior” into the office as well. Now is a great time to make some environmentally conscious design adjustments. See our top eco-friendly office design tips to reduce the carbon footprint of your workplace. Do you need help implementing an environmentally conscious...
Welcome to HBPC's New Blog
11 February 2016, by , in Company News, No comments
We are proud to unveil our brand new and improved site for our visitors. Both new and loyal customers can shop our extensive inventory through our ecommerce site. Check out our completely revamped website for yourself! We are also excited to announce our new company blog. Keep up on all the newest trends and products...